[et_pb_aio_extended title=”Didgeridoo Creating And Playing Workshop” title_background_color=”#1785a3″ title_padding=”11px|8px|11px|8px|true|true” subhead=”March 14th, 2020 | 10:30am – 1:30pm” subhead_padding=”20px|10px|20px|10px|true|false” image=”https://aumbasesedona.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/didgeridoo-class.jpg” icon_bottom_gap=”20px” button_text=”SIGN UP NOW” button_url=”https://www.wellnessliving.com/rs/catalog-view.html?id_sale=3&k_id=173927″ button_one_url_new_window=”on” _builder_version=”4.0.6″ header_text_color=”#fbf6ec” header_font_size=”28px” header_line_height=”1.3em” subhead_font=”GIBSON||||||||” subhead_text_color=”#1785a3″ subhead_font_size=”26px” custom_button_one=”on” button_one_text_size=”22px” button_one_text_color=”#fbf6ec” button_one_bg_color=”#1785a3″ button_one_border_color=”#1785a3″ custom_padding=”||49px|||” hover_enabled=”0″]

Have you ever wanted to be able to play a didgeridoo? You know…that didgeridoo that sits in the corner of your room. Do you play one now and want to learn how to improve your play or create your own? Maybe you want to perfect the enigmatic “circular breathing” which allows you to play for long periods of time. Join didgeridoo healing master Daniel Posney of Sedona in this class that will help you and others with creating and playing the didgeridoo. Daniel will demonstrate different sound techniques and healing methods used with wellness clients and patients at The Lodge At Sedona during “Awakening & Healing” class. Yes! We will have lots of fun learning to circular breathe. Not a rhythms class.


Book classes online with the official Aumbase app!

1785 West SR 89A, #1C (basement level),
Sedona 86336

Corner of 89A and Northview in West Sedona

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